We are lucky enough to have one of those friends who is so incredibly inspiring, brave and strong. A friend who not only amazes you but has one of those stories that you’ll probably always find hard to believe and because of that story it makes them even more wonderful! So we asked her what made her so strong and what Women’s Empowerment meant to her and this is what she said…

“Women’s empowerment for me is a feeling; a feeling of freedom and liberation. A feeling of power, courage, bravery, strength, acceptance and joy”


I believe empowering women means unapologetically embracing and loving exactly who we are; with all of our perfect imperfections, rejecting unrealistic ideals and false expectations and taking control of and creating our own unique and limitless lives.
Empowerment is a process of remembering the superpowers we have forgotten about or been told we don’t have. It is a powerful process of building up the part of ourselves that fully chooses us and stands up for what we truly want and deserve.

An empowered woman is someone who is not afraid, who believes in herself wholeheartedly and who stands up for change, equality, peace and love.

To be empowered is a new feeling for me.  It has taken a lot of time, healing and ‘unlearning’ of societies conditioning. After an excruciating journey of self-hate and anorexia, I have finally rediscovered my worth and my immeasurable power. I have found my voice, I am learning my boundaries, needs and wants, I have a newfound appreciation, love and gratitude for my incredible body and all it has been through and I am beginning to no longer feel ashamed for the way my body looks or how it is perceived by others and it truly is liberating. 


I am now determined to make my pain my passion and empower women and girls to step into their infinite power and to never be anyone but exactly themselves!


(Insert Explicit Word!!) **** the ‘shoulds’ in life!
Be who you want to be, do what you want to do, go get what you want to get!!
I support you. We are all in this together!!!”


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    Rise the Community solely exists to offer employment opportunities in the small town of Faridabad, India. All the profits go directly to this community’s education and healthcare services.

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